As far as sexual equality is concerned, Taiwanese society is about as equitable as you're going to find anywhere in Asia. The Taiwanes...
As far as sexual equality is concerned, Taiwanese society is about as equitable as you're going to find anywhere in Asia. The Taiwanese constitution forbids discrimination on the base of gender, and women are found in the upper echelons of many companies and businesses. And of course, vice president Lu, a heartbeat away from the presidency, is a woman.
In education there are a few interesting gender gaps; while graduating classes of both high schools and universities tend to be evenly split, graduate programs skew heavily on the male side, with roughly three of five Masters students being men, and only one in three doctorate students being women. A similar skew can be seen in the teaching profession; women dominate the profession at kindergarten and grade school levels while high school positions skew slightly towards men and the majority of Taiwan's university professors are men.
Foreign women travelling in Taiwan should be as cautious here as any where else, but on the whole Taiwanese men are pretty respectful (though they're known to sometimes gawk a bit too much). Incidences of actual harassment, though not unheard of, are on the low side for Asia in general.
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